From Iran Press Watch.
Source: RAHANA, 15 April 2010,Posted: 18 Apr 2010
Navid Khanjani
RAHANA - On Thursday April 15, the families of Navid Khanjani and Dorsa Sobhani were allowed to visit their children in prison. According to the, the families of education-deprived students Dorsa Sobhani and Navid Khanjani were able to receive permits for in-person visits after following up their request at the prosecutor's office and visiting the prosecutor. Navid Khanjani was described to be in [good?] physical and emotional condition during this visit; however, Dorsa Sobhani was not in good physical condition. Navid Khanjani is a co-founder of Population of Combat against Education Discrimination and a key member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR). He was arrested on March 2, 2010 in Isfahan, then transferred to the IRGC-controlled ward inside Evin prison in Tehran. He has been reportedly under lengthy and intense interrogations to accept heavy charges.
A few days after his arrest, pro-government media released news titled "Members of Organized Cyber War Networks Arrested", in which they had mentioned Navid Khanjani's name along with other members of the CHRR as key convicts of that case. This incidents has raised concerns about "creating a security case" against him and other arrested Baha'i students who have been banned from education.
Dorsa Sobhani was arrested on March 7, 2010 at her house in the city of Sari in Mazandaran province. In an earlier, short phone call, Sobhani had notified her family that her "interrogations were over"; however, after 40 days there is still no information available regarding the reason of her arrest, and neither her nor Navid Khanaji's lawyer has had any access to their clients' files.