Thursday, July 16, 2009

Circular cites Grand Ayatollahs' verdict on Baha'is as 'unclean', forbidding all intercourse

Distribution of an Anti-Baha'i Proclamation

Posted: 03 Jul 2009

The reliable outlet Peyke Iran reported on Friday, July 3, 2009, that certain unknown individuals have widely disseminated a proclamation in Marvdasht, a district in Shiraz, warning people against business dealings with the Baha'is. In this proclamation, they have cited high religious authorities who have issued rulings against such dealings and interactions with the Baha'is.

Pictures of two such documents were provided by the Baha'is of Iran to media outlets and appear below in translation.

The first is a letter to Grand Ayatollahs inquiring about the Baha'is and dealing with them:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

Peace be upon the blessed threshold of the sources of emulation of the Islamic world!

Respectfully it is submitted: the wayward sect of the Baha'i has been active in one of the districts in the vicinity of Shiraz and, regrettably, some Muslims, because of being ill-informed, have associated and consort with them on a regular basis. As such, we beseech your distinguished selves to offer an opinion on the following questions so that the public is informed:

We cherish the hope that all enemies of the Sacred Household of Muhammad (Peace be upon them), particularly those harboring enmity towards the Hidden Imam, are uprooted.

1. What is the ruling in regard to wedlock of a Muslim with a Baha'i (namely, for a Baha'i woman with a Muslim man, and for a Muslim woman with a Baha'i man)?

2. What is the ruling about business transactions or dealings with Baha'is?

3. What is the opinion of your distinguished selves regarding shaking hands and kissing Baha'is?

4. What is the ruling about eating food prepared at a Baha'i home or by a Baha'i hand?

5. What is the ruling for eating out of a plate or drinking from a glass used earlier by a Baha'i?

6. What is the ruling for attending celebrations or weddings of Baha'is, or attending commemorative services by Baha'is because they were known to [Muslim] attendees?

7. Working (such as in building construction, etc) by a Baha'i for a Muslim, and for a Muslim to be employed by a Baha'i?

8. Are the Baha'is considered infidels and najis [lit. defiled, in Shi'te jurisprudence it designates unclean or untouchable]?

The second document provides the response of several Grand Ayatollahs to these questions and request for religious rulings. Responses bear the signature and seal of each jurist:

The illustrious Ayatollah [Ali] Khamenei:

All followers of the wayward Baha'i sect are condemned as infidels and najis [unclean], and [Muslims] should avoid food and substances containing moisture touched by the Baha'is. The believers are duty-bound to combat trickeries and seditions of this wayward sect.

The illustrious Ayatollah Behjat:

They are najis and association with them should be avoided.

The illustrious Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi:

Every form of affiliation, socializing, marriage, buying, selling and other contact with members of the misguided Baha'i sect is forbidden. Muslims must completely avoid such actions.

The members of the misguided [Baha'i] sect are outside of Islam and any kind of interaction with them is forbidden.

[Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch.]

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