A remarkable message from the Universal House of Justice addressing this and related pivotal social issues.
The Universal House of Justice [1], the world governing body of the Baha'is of the world, in recent months has called the Baha'is in Iran to an active participation in the affairs of Iran, its reconstruction and in the improvement of its social conditions [2].
In its messages [to the Baha'is in Iran], the Universal House of Justice has explained the importance of the future of Iran to the Baha'i Faith, and has asked the Baha'is, notwithstanding the current threatening conditions [for them], and despite being the largest religious monitory in Iran, to collaborate actively with other Iranians who are active in the areas of social development, without taking part in any of the many Iranian political groups.
In it's most recent message to the Baha'is of Iran [3], the Universal House of Justice has asked the Baha'is of Iran to search for the foundations of sustainable social and cultural advancement in their consultation at the family and community level, through emphasis on the role of the family in children's education, through a true understanding of justice and service to mankind.
This message, which was written on the occasion of the translation [into Persian] and publication of a collection of Baha'i teachings on family life, calls attention to the importance of consultation in these areas as an effective means for improvement of social relationships.
In this message, the Baha'is in Iran are asked to work towards the realization of a social order based on justice and unity with other Iranians. The Universal House of Justice identifies the development of family life as the prerequisite for attaining this goal. It writes: "the weakness of spiritual bonds in family life is among the signs of the moral decline of the social order of our time. The lack of complete equality between men and women in the family and ignoring children's rights in family life leads to a culture that allows the belittlement of the station of women and children, to the imposition of one's will over others, which leads to violence, first in the family unit, schools and workplace, and finally in the streets and on the social scene." [4]
The Universal House of Justice also warns that an unbalanced attention to the physical security of the family, in some circumstances, "can lead to narrow social views" and those who under a pretense of "family unity" may teach [a dichotomy between] "us and them" to their children, as well as those who "through the indoctrination of such poisonous beliefs" may promote "prejudice" against other social groups in the society.
According to the Universal House of Justice, this [unbalanced] education will reduce human empathy in the children; it is no surprise if children who grow up under these conditions "become indifferent to the sufferings of others" and even participate in the spread of injustice. Even when they do not become directly involved in the infringement of human rights, "since the defense and the protection of the people in oppressive society is very difficult, they will adopt the easy way of silence and tolerance with the oppressor instead of the means of justice and defense, and unknowingly will become obstacles to their own spiritual growth and to the advancement of their own people."
This message of the Universal House of Justice is an invitation to the Baha'is in Iran to engage in reflection and consultation on these subjects within their families, and with neighbors and co-workers about "how could every member of the family play a constructive role in the creation of a positive atmosphere; and how can they ensure that in this process each generation attains astonishing progress over the previous ones."
The Universal House of Justice views this effort as an important service for promoting the progress of Iran.
Editor's Notes:
[1] The Universal House of Justice is the international governing body of the Baha'i Faith. See: http://info.bahai.org/universal-house-of-justice.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_House_of_Justice
[2] For a collection of the messages of the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of Iran in Persian see: http://www.universal-house-of-justice-messages.org. For English translations, please contact IPW.
[3] Dated 24-Nov-2009, See the complete message in Persian here: http://www.universal-house-of-justice-messages.org/payam/2009-11-24.html
[4] The English translation of the quoted passages is a provisional translation by IPW.
[Source: Farhang Goftego (Culture and Dialogue), http://www.farhanggoftego.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=647:2009-12-08-15-43-36&catid=53:2009-08-25-13-30-02&Itemid=59; Translation by IPW]
Posted: 30 Dec 2009
In its messages [to the Baha'is in Iran], the Universal House of Justice has explained the importance of the future of Iran to the Baha'i Faith, and has asked the Baha'is, notwithstanding the current threatening conditions [for them], and despite being the largest religious monitory in Iran, to collaborate actively with other Iranians who are active in the areas of social development, without taking part in any of the many Iranian political groups.
In it's most recent message to the Baha'is of Iran [3], the Universal House of Justice has asked the Baha'is of Iran to search for the foundations of sustainable social and cultural advancement in their consultation at the family and community level, through emphasis on the role of the family in children's education, through a true understanding of justice and service to mankind.
This message, which was written on the occasion of the translation [into Persian] and publication of a collection of Baha'i teachings on family life, calls attention to the importance of consultation in these areas as an effective means for improvement of social relationships.
In this message, the Baha'is in Iran are asked to work towards the realization of a social order based on justice and unity with other Iranians. The Universal House of Justice identifies the development of family life as the prerequisite for attaining this goal. It writes: "the weakness of spiritual bonds in family life is among the signs of the moral decline of the social order of our time. The lack of complete equality between men and women in the family and ignoring children's rights in family life leads to a culture that allows the belittlement of the station of women and children, to the imposition of one's will over others, which leads to violence, first in the family unit, schools and workplace, and finally in the streets and on the social scene." [4]
The Universal House of Justice also warns that an unbalanced attention to the physical security of the family, in some circumstances, "can lead to narrow social views" and those who under a pretense of "family unity" may teach [a dichotomy between] "us and them" to their children, as well as those who "through the indoctrination of such poisonous beliefs" may promote "prejudice" against other social groups in the society.
According to the Universal House of Justice, this [unbalanced] education will reduce human empathy in the children; it is no surprise if children who grow up under these conditions "become indifferent to the sufferings of others" and even participate in the spread of injustice. Even when they do not become directly involved in the infringement of human rights, "since the defense and the protection of the people in oppressive society is very difficult, they will adopt the easy way of silence and tolerance with the oppressor instead of the means of justice and defense, and unknowingly will become obstacles to their own spiritual growth and to the advancement of their own people."
This message of the Universal House of Justice is an invitation to the Baha'is in Iran to engage in reflection and consultation on these subjects within their families, and with neighbors and co-workers about "how could every member of the family play a constructive role in the creation of a positive atmosphere; and how can they ensure that in this process each generation attains astonishing progress over the previous ones."
The Universal House of Justice views this effort as an important service for promoting the progress of Iran.
Editor's Notes:
[1] The Universal House of Justice is the international governing body of the Baha'i Faith. See: http://info.bahai.org/universal-house-of-justice.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_House_of_Justice
[2] For a collection of the messages of the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of Iran in Persian see: http://www.universal-house-of-justice-messages.org. For English translations, please contact IPW.
[3] Dated 24-Nov-2009, See the complete message in Persian here: http://www.universal-house-of-justice-messages.org/payam/2009-11-24.html
[4] The English translation of the quoted passages is a provisional translation by IPW.
[Source: Farhang Goftego (Culture and Dialogue), http://www.farhanggoftego.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=647:2009-12-08-15-43-36&catid=53:2009-08-25-13-30-02&Itemid=59; Translation by IPW]
From Iran Press Watch
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