Iran -- members of the National Spiritual Assembly who disappeared in August in 1980. All are presumed to have been killed. Copyright Bahá'í International Community. Click photo to view. A video in their remembrance can be viewed here:
2009: Imprisoned Bahá'ís - former leadership
The seven members of the now-dissolved informal coordinating network of the Baha’is in Iran, the Yaran. Picture taken before their imprisonment in March/May 2008. Click photo to view.
List of Baha’is Imprisoned in Iran
Click here to view an updated list of Baha'is currently imprisoned in Iran.
Powerful video (2 min) by Muslims defending Baha'is' rights
A stirring video that speaks out for justice for Irans people in general, and for its Baha'i minority in particular. Read about it here.
Documentary (16 min) on persecutions during Revolution
An important documentary, "Under the Staircase" by Kimia Ferdowsi, on the persecutions of the Bahá'ís in Iran in the early part of the Iranian Revolution. Builds on interviews of those affected, with emphasis on the death of Ferdowsi's grandfather. Further details here.
Elika Mahony - song for Bahá'ís in Iran
Mahony: "My grandparents were imprisoned for being Bahais..." - Read about it here. Her blog is here.
Actress's tribute (7 min) to Baha'is and martyr Muna
Graceful Emmy-winning actress Shohreh Aghdasloo pays tribute to the spirit and ideals of the Baha'i Faith and to 17 year old martyr Muna Mahmudnizhad (read more on Muna's fate here). View related posts here and here.
Anniversary of Baha'i Leaders' Imprisonment - Video
Poem: A voice from prison
A poem dedicated to the seven Baha'i leaders of Iran on the anniversary of their arrest 14 May 2008. Related post here.
23 June, 16 March - Reports on conditions in Evin prison: Sickening provisions, cramped confinement, blatant ill-treatment, neglect. Read the stories here, here, and here.
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BIC Open Letter to Iran's Prosecutor General, Summary Background of Persecutions
6 March: The Baha'i International Community issued a letter outlining the tragic history of the persecution of Baha'is in that country, explaining their innocence in the face of accusations made by the government. Read the story here. The BIC's United Nations Office has issued asummary of the nature of the persecutions against the Bahá'ís in Iran. Read it (PDF) here.
Video (4 min)- GENOCIDE: Bare facts re persecutions in Iran
Murder with Impunity - This video shows commentaries about the persecution of the Baha’is. More on the video here.
"A new crime of the century"- US Congressman speaks up for Bahá'ís
Congressman Kirk, speaking on the House floor in support of his resolution, H.Res. 1008, condemning Iran for its persecution of Baha'is. The resolution overwhelmingly passed the House. YouTube link here.
STUDENTS expelled for their Faith
Since 1979 Bahá'í students in Iran have been barred from attending University solely on account of their religion. One student wrote:
"...the question is raised: Who is responsible for this injustice and lawlessness? Where in the Constitution do we find support for the authorities’ actions?
"As an Iranian citizen, I love my sacred homeland to the point that I am willing to sacrifice my life for the exaltation of this noble nation. My highest and most cherished wish is to use my education in service to this country. I am determined to use every moment of my life in the path of service to mankind, especially to my beloved Iran and Iranians."
Read their stories here and a report of the situation here.
VIDEO (8 min): Tribute to 7 Martyrs of Hamadan, 14 June 1981
These seven Baha'i martyrs suffered imprisonment and endured cruel torture before finally sacrificing their lives for their religious beliefs. Read more on their story here.
About this site and contact information
This site chronicles developments in the ongoing persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.Throughout the history of the Bahá'í Faith, the Bahá’ís of Iran have been persecuted. The progressive position of the Faith on women’s rights, independent investigation of truth, and education has particularly rankled Muslim clerics. Read more here. The site is a personal initiative and does not represent the views of any Bahá'í institution. The site owner may be contacted through the form found here.
Re Alleged "Confessions" of 7 Bahá'í Prisoners
This is from the creative work of the Mideast Youth network highlighting the Iran situation. Click image to view. Link:
A Bahá’í father and son (at left) in chains. Both were subsequently executed. Click photo to view original. Copyright Bahá'í International Community.
Animated video (3 min.) regarding persecutions in Iran
A powerful, truthful video produced by the The Muslim Network for Baha’i Rights regarding the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran:Sequel to Persepolis exposes the reality of the suffering of the Baha'is in Iran since the Revolution and until today, and calls for action on their behalf. Note: The images for this clip were borrowed from Marjan Satrapi's film "Persepolis". Read more here.
You may also be interested to see the creative work of the Mideast Youth network, who are using CARTOONS to highlight the Iran situation, found here and here.
From a Prayer for Divine Assistance by Bahá'u'lláh
“Lauded be Thy name, O Thou Who beholdest all things and art hidden from all things! From every land Thou hearest the lamentations of them that love Thee, and from every direction Thou hearkenest unto the cries of such as have recognized Thy sovereignty. Were their oppressors to be asked: “Wherefore have ye oppressed them and held them in bondage…? What injustice have they committed? Whom have they betrayed? Whose blood have they spilled, and whose property have they plundered?” they would know not what to answer… “Thou knowest full well, O my God, that their only crime is to have loved Thee.” —PM,XX
1903: N.Y. Times Article reports on Persecutions in Iran
Report of massacre of Baha'is (referred to as Babis) in Yazd, Iran in 1903. The same breed of fanaticism and similar politicized reasoning underlies the persecutions going on today.
NYTimes_Article_1903_on Persecutions Iran
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