Two articles in which Baha'is are implicated in the ongoing dispute over the election outcome.
Allegations of Baha'i involvement in BBC
Posted: 21 Jun 2009
In an attempt to distract the public from Iran's real issues, anti-Baha'i propaganda is once again flourishing. Baha'is have previously been scapegoated for political conflicts and are a recurring element in Iranian conspiracy theories about the British, Americans, Russians, and Israelis.
Shortly after Iran's foreign minister Mottaki accused the British government of supporting the "wayward Baha'i sect", banners are now being carried through Tehran's streets displaying "BBC: Bahai Broadcasting Company" – an attempt to connect the Baha'is with the British news agency, an unfounded and blatantly false claim.
CNN: Iran-UK tensions mounting

Old tactics from Iran - trying to divert the world's attention -
British Foreign Secretary David. Milliband states: "[Iranian Foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki, is] trying to turn an internal dispute into a battle between Iran and other countries."
"[Iran's minister] also accused Britain of supporting followers of the Baha'i faith, a religion that originated in 19th-century Persia but which Iran does not recognize."
Read the whole report from here.
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