Friday, August 21, 2009

House of Justice on background to persecutions of Baha'is of Iran


The primary reason why the divines and rulers have, from the inception of the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, arisen to oppose it is that they saw that Baha'u'llah was the Founder of a new community based on equality and social justice and in that society they saw no role or station or position for themselves.

A Profound Statement
Posted: 21 Aug 2009

map-iran Excerpts from a statement by the Universal House of Justice written on November 26, 2003 which has far-reaching implications, and remains as true today as it did then. The full text is available here.

The Universal House of Justice
Day of the Covenant, 26 November 2003

To the Followers of Bahá’u'lláh in the Cradle of the Faith

...Ruling elites can make no more serious error than to imagine that the power they have managed to arrogate to themselves provides an enduring bulwark against the relentless tides of historical change. Today, in Iran as everywhere throughout the world, these tides roll in with insistent urgency and tumultuous force. They are not merely at the door of the house, but rise up irresistibly through its floors. They cannot be diverted. They will not be denied.

This is the real reason why Bahá’u'lláh was so desperately opposed by clergy and rulers who recognized in Him — correctly if only dimly — the Voice of a coming society of justice and enlightenment, in which they themselves would have no place. Nor should you have any doubt that it is this same fear that animates the successive waves of persecution you have long endured. Those who investigate the Cause of Bahá’u'lláh with sincerity readily appreciate that the Bahá’í community is a creative minority that is the embodiment of its Founder’s vision of the future and of His indomitable Will to achieve it. Through your love, your sacrifices, your services and your very lives, you have proven to be the true promoters of the progress of your dear homeland of which Bahá’u'lláh has written:

The horizon of Persia hath been illumined with the light of the heavenly Orb. Erelong will the Daystar of the supernal realm shine so brightly as to raise that land even unto the ethereal heights and to cause it to shed its radiance over the whole earth. The imperishable glory of bygone generations shall once more be manifest in such wise as to dazzle and bewilder the eyes….

Iran shall become a focal centre of divine splendours. Her darksome soil will become luminous and her land will shine resplendent. Although now wanting in name and fame, she will become renowned throughout the world; although now deprived, she will attain her highest hopes and aspirations; although now destitute and despondent, she will obtain abundant grace, achieve distinction and find abiding

Each time we visit the Holy Shrines you are in the forefront of our hearts and prayers. Your long night will end, and you will have the joy of witnessing with your own eyes the mighty structure your sacrifices have raised.

The original Persian text can be accessed here: 2003_1126_uhj_dayofCovenant_P

From Iran Press Watch

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