Thursday, August 6, 2009

Spain's House of Representatives calls for release of 7 Baha'is, respect for human rights in Iran

Spain's recently passed Motion in Defense of Iran's Baha'is

Posted: 05 Aug 2009

On 21 March 2009 the Spanish House of Representatives passed a motion in defense of the Baha'is in Iran.

The motion, presented by the People's Party and adopted unanimously, calls for the release of the seven Bahá'ís and denounces "the recurring violation of international agreements on human rights to which the Islamic Republic of Iran is a signatory".

In this video, representative of the People's Party Juan Carlos Grau addresses the Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Committee on the subject of the Baha'is in Iran during the debate that preceded the passing of the motion.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Mr Grau set out the campaign of persecution carried out against the Baha'is since 1979.

He also vindicated the Bahá'ís' innocence against the multiple charges and attacks brought against them. "Baha'is talk to their neighbours about noble ideas and pure and goodly deeds through commendable and seemly conduct. How is it a threat to society? [...] What is the hypocrisy in that a schoolgirl, after listening to insults against the Founder of her Faith, whom she loves intensely, politely raises her hand to ask permission to explain some of the teachings of her Faith to her schoolmates?" Mr Grau said.

Mr Grau finished his speech by summarising the events related to the case of the seven members of the former Yaran, an ad hoc group created to tend to the needs of the beleaguered Baha'i community which ceased to function earlier this year.

[Subtitles added by IPW's Spanish Team]

From Iran Press Watch

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